The good news from June has carried over into July, as almost all areas reported in our analysis continued to show improvements. Initial Tours were up by almost 125% when compared to July 2020, and while not as high, were close to the same total as June of this year. Census is rebounding, but more slowly, with just a slight increase over last month and when compared to same time last year. Inquiries have been relatively stable for the last six months of 2021, up just a little over 7% from July 2020, while Tour to Move-in conversion times continued to be shorter. The increase in Move-ins for July were small when compared to June of this year, but were up 22% from July 2020, and Move-outs for July were lower, both month-over-month and year-over-year. Gains in Cash Receipts and Room revenues were greater at the beginning of the year, but both continued to show improvement. Assessment/Care fees showed the most significant increase in revenue the last three months when compared to 2020.