June 2024 Update on Senior Housing and Census Operations

A review of the June Benchmark Analysis indicates that inquiries have remained consistent throughout the year, despite experiencing a typical seasonal dip. This steadiness in inquiries suggests a sustained interest in senior care and services. Notably, move-ins have shown remarkable strength, with the census climbing each month of 2024. This growth in census is particularly impressive, as it surpasses the numbers recorded during the same period in 2023, reflecting a positive trend and increased client engagement.

While the tour-to-conversion rates have been lower compared to 2023, there has been a noteworthy positive shift starting from February 2024. This increase marks the first upward trend in conversion rates this year, indicating improvements in processes and client interactions. Overall, the data points to a strong performance in move-ins and census growth, alongside stable inquiries and promising improvements in conversion rates, creating a position for continued success.

June 2024 Website Senior Housing Census and Ops
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